Lietošanas pamācība EPSON LX-1170+II

Kompānija “Lastmanuals” piedāvā saviem lietotājiem dažāda veida lietošanas pamācību, ceļvežu, drošības datu lapu, instrukciju datubāzi, kur var šīs pamācības meklēt, saglabāt izvēlētās un pievienot jaunas. NEAIZMIRSTIET – PIRMS KO PIRKT, IZLASIET LIETOŠANAS INSTRUKCIJU !!!

Ja šajā dokumentā Jūs atradāt vajadzīgo preces aprakstu, lietošanas pamācības, instrukcijas un shēmas, droši lejupielādējiet to. “Lastmanuals” piedāvā ātru un ērtu pieeju EPSON LX-1170+II lietošanas pamācībām. Ceram, ka EPSON LX-1170+II lietošanas pamācība Jums noderēs.

Mēs palīdzēsim Jums lejupielādēt EPSON LX-1170+II lietošanas pamācību.

Mode d'emploi EPSON LX-1170+II

Šeit Jūs varat lejupielādēt radniecīgu preču lietošanas pamācības:

   EPSON LX-1170+II (2037 ko)
   EPSON LX-1170+II annexe 1 (1883 ko)
   EPSON LX-1170+II ESCP MANUAL (5756 ko)

Lietošanas pamācības kopsavilkums: lietotāja rokasgrāmata EPSON LX-1170+II

Sīkākas lietošanas instrukcijas ir lietotāja ceļvedī.

[. . . ] Skatiet Fotogrfiju izdruksana tiesi no jsu ciparu kameras vai mobil telefona" Js varat ar ievietot USB zibatmias disku saj port, lai taj saglabtu ieskentos datus. Ieskento datu saglabsana * Bluetooth vienba nav pieejama dazs valsts vai reionos, atkarb no vietjiem likumiem un noteikumiem. Plaskajai informcijai sazinieties ar Jsu vietjo Canon servisa prstvi. Brdinjums Pie ierces tiess drukas porta drkst pievienot tikai ar PictBridge sadergas ierces, papildu Bluetooth vienbu BU-30 vai USB zibatmias diskus. Pretj gadjum tas var izraist aizdegsanos, strvas triecienu vai ierces bojjumu. Uzmanbu Neaizskariet metla korpusu. (8) Papra izvades uztvrjs Skot druksanu vai kopsanu, automtiski atveras, un tiek izstumti nodruktie papri. (9) Izvades uztvrja pagarinjums Atveriet, lai atbalsttu izdrukas. [. . . ] If a password-protected PDF file is edited, the passwords will be deleted. Setting Passwords for PDF Files Set. . . Make advanced settings for creating PDF files. See "PDF Settings Dialog Box " for details. Password security settings Select this checkbox to open the Password Security -Settings dialog box in which you can set passwords for opening, editing and printing created PDF files. Setting Passwords for PDF Files Add to This is displayed when you select PDF(Add Page) for Save as type and specify the PDF file to which images are added. to specify another one. Important Images can only be added to PDF files created with MP Navigator EX. You cannot specify PDF files created with other applications. PDF files edited in other applications cannot be specified as well. File name Enter the file name of the image to be saved (up to 32 characters). When saving multiple files, 4 digits are appended to each file name. Save in Displays the folder in which to save the PDF files. The following folders are specified by default. Windows Vista: MP Navigator EX folder in Picture folder Windows XP: MP Navigator EX folder in My Pictures folder Windows 2000: MP Navigator EX folder in My Pictures folder Save to a Subfolder with Current Date Select this checkbox to create a subfolder in the folder specified in Save in with the current date and save imported files in it. A subfolder with a name such as "2008_01_01" (Year_Month_Date) will be created. Photos/Documents (Platen) Screen (Scan/Import Window) My Box (Scanned/Imported Images) Displays folders of images (grouped by year, year/month, year/month/date and category) in My Box in tree view. Select a folder to display its contents in the Thumbnail window to the right. Image date is the scanned, captured or updated date. Specify Folder View Use Window Lapa 386 no 686 lapm Displays all hard disks and folders in tree view. Select a folder to display images in the Thumbnail window to the right. Recently Saved Images Images that have been "Scanned/Imported", "Attached to E-mail" or "Sent to Application" recently are displayed in tree view by date. For "Scanned/Imported" images, "Scanned from the Machine" and "Imported from Memory Cards" are displayed separately. Select a Year/Month/Day folder to display images by date in the Thumbnail window to the right. Image date is the scanned or sent date. Search The advanced search options open. Searching Images Task Button Area Specify what to do with the selected images. See the corresponding sections below for details on each button. Creating/Editing PDF Files Printing Documents Printing Photos Sending via E-mail Editing Files Note The buttons in the Task Button area are displayed when the corresponding applications are installed. Jump to Main Menu Jump to the Main Menu. Toolbar Preferences The Preferences dialog box opens. In the Preferences dialog box, you can make advanced settings to MP Navigator EX functions. [. . . ] If a client user opens the printer driver properties and then clicks OK with the Enable bidirectional support check box on the Ports tab unchecked, the bi-directional function of the printer server system may also be disabled. In this case, check Enable bidirectional support check box on both the print server system and the client system. When you print from a client system, you cannot use Canon IJ Preview. If the functions on the Maintenance tab cannot be set properly from a client system, they may be grayed out. [. . . ]


Kompānija “Lastmanuals” piedāvā saviem lietotājiem dažāda veida lietošanas pamācību, ceļvežu, drošības datu lapu, instrukciju datubāzi, kur var šīs pamācības meklēt, saglabāt izvēlētās un pievienot jaunas.
Kompānija “Lastmanuals” neuzņemas atbildību, ja Jūsu meklētais dokuments nav pieejams, nav jūsu valodā, nav pilnīgs vai arī neatbilst aprakstam. Šobrīd mēs vēl nepiedāvājam lietošanas pamācību tulkošanas pakalpojumus.

Šo noteikumu beigās ir podziņa “lejupielādēt lietošanas pamācību”. Ja noteikumiem piekrītat, nospiediet to, un EPSON LX-1170+II lietošanas pamācības lejuplādēšana sāksies.

Meklēt lietošanas pamācību


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