Lietošanas pamācība CANON PIXMA MG5140

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Mode d'emploi CANON PIXMA MG5140

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   CANON PIXMA MG5140 (16507 ko)

Lietošanas pamācības kopsavilkums: lietotāja rokasgrāmata CANON PIXMA MG5140

Sīkākas lietošanas instrukcijas ir lietotāja ceļvedī.

[. . . ] Canon MG5100 series On-screen Manual K lietot so rokasgrmatu Ss rokasgrmatas druksana Lapa 1 no 948 lapm MC-4871-V1. 00 s rokasgrmata Apraksta s produkta prskatu. Izvrst rokasgrmata Apraksta s produkta detalizto funkciju. Traucjummeklsana MG5100 series s rokasgrmata Lapa 2 no 948 lapm K lietot so rokasgrmatu Ss rokasgrmatas druksana MP-4734-V1. 00 Izvrst rokasgrmata Saturs Prskats par ierci Galvens sastvdaas K prvietoties LCD izvlns Citi lietojumi Atmias kart vai USB zibatmias disk saglabto PDF failu druksana Tdu sablonu k piezmju grmatias paprs druksana Fotoattlu druksana Atmias kart vai USB zibatmias disk saglabto fotoattlu druksana Dazdu funkciju izmantosana Atmias kartes ievietosana USB zibatmias diska ievietosana Fotoattlu druksana tiesi no digitls kameras vai mobil tlrua Ierces iestatjumi Papra/oriinlu ievietosana Papra ievietosana Oriinlu ievietosana Kopsana Kopsana Dazdu kopsanas funkciju izmantosana Ikdienas apkope Tintes tvertnes maia Kad druka kst blva vai krsas nav pareizas Papra ievades veltnsa trsana Kasetes paliktnsa trsana Fotoattlu prdruksana no izdruktiem fotoattliem Izdruktu fotoattlu prdruksana Dazdu funkciju izmantosana Pielikums Produkta un attlu izmantosanas juridiskie ierobezojumi Padomi par ierces izmantosanu Skensana Skento datu saglabsana dator Dazdu skensanas funkciju izmantosana Druksana no datora Fotoattlu druksana (Easy-PhotoPrint EX) Dokumentu druksana Tmeka lapu druksana (Easy-Easy-WebPrint EX) Dazdu lietojumprogrammu startsana Prskats par ierci Izvrst rokasgrmata Saturs > Prskats par ierci Traucjummeklsana Lapa 3 no 948 lapm Prskats par ierci Saj sada sniegts apraksts par ierces sastvdau nosaukumiem un pamata darbbm, kas jzina pirms ts izmantosanas. Galvens sastvdaas Skats no priekspuses Skats no aizmugures Iekspuses skats Darbbas panelis K prvietoties LCD izvlns Izvu atlassana ekrn HOME Izvlnes vai iestatjuma vienuma atlase Citas darbbas Lapas skums Galvens sastvdaas Izvrst rokasgrmata Saturs > Prskats par ierci > Galvens sastvdaas Traucjummeklsana Lapa 4 no 948 lapm C001 Galvens sastvdaas Skats no priekspuses Skats no aizmugures Iekspuses skats Darbbas panelis Skats no priekspuses (1) Dokumentu vks Atveriet, lai uz plansetes stikla novietotu oriinlo dokumentu. (2) Papra balsts Paceliet un sasveriet uz aizmuguri, lai papru novietotu uz aizmugures palikta. (3) Aizmugures paliktnis Ievietojiet fotopapru vai aploksnes, ko var izmantot saj ierc. Iespjams vienlaicgi ievietot divas vai vairkas viena izmra un papra veida loksnes un ts automtiski padot pa vienai loksnei. Skatiet sadau Papra ievietosana . (4) Papra vadotnes Pabdiet, lai izldzintu ar abm papra kaudztes pusm. (5) LCD (sidro kristlu displejs) Parda ziojumus, izvlnes vienumus un darbbas statusu. Pirms druksanas fotoattlus iespjams ar prieksskatt LCD ekrn. Piezme Ja ierci neizmanto aptuveni 5 mintes, LCD izsldzas. [. . . ] You can also select images saved on a memory card or computer. Importing Images Saved on a Memory Card Opening Images Saved on a Computer Creating/Editing PDF Files with MP Navigator EX 1. Select images and click PDF. Note You can select PDF, JPEG, TIFF and BMP files. 2. Click Create/Edit PDF file on the list. Important For PDF files, you can only edit those created with MP Navigator EX. You cannot edit PDF files created with other applications. PDF files edited in other applications cannot be edited as well. Creating/Editing PDF Files Note If a password-protected PDF file is selected, you will be prompted to enter the password. Opening/Editing Password-protected PDF Files Lapa 528 no 948 lapm 3. Add/delete pages as required. To add an existing file, click Add Page and select the file. To delete a page, select it and click Delete Selected Pages. Note You can add PDF, JPEG, TIFF and BMP files. When adding a password-protected PDF file, you will be prompted to enter the password. 4. Rearrange the page order as required. Use the icons to rearrange the order. Alternatively, drag the thumbnail to the target location. Note See "Create/Edit PDF file Window " for details on the Create/Edit PDF file window. 5. Click Save Selected Pages or Save All Pages. The Save as PDF file dialog box opens. Save as PDF file Dialog Box Important You cannot save images scanned at 10501 pixels or more in the vertical and horizontal directions. If a password-protected PDF file is edited, the passwords will be deleted. Reset the passwords in the Save as PDF file dialog box. Specify the save settings in the Save as PDF file dialog box, then click Save. Images are saved according to the settings. Opening PDF Files in an Application You can open PDF files created with MP Navigator EX in an associated application and edit or print them. 1. Select PDF files and click PDF. Important Creating/Editing PDF Files For PDF files, you can only select those created with MP Navigator EX. You cannot select PDF files created with other applications. PDF files edited in other applications cannot be selected as well. Lapa 529 no 948 lapm 2. Click Open PDF file on the list. The application associated with the file extension (. pdf) by the operating system starts. Important Password-protected PDF files cannot be opened in applications not supporting PDF security. Files may not open if an application that can be associated with PDF files is not installed. 3. Use the application to edit/print the file. For details, refer to the application's manual. Important In some applications, the commands (print, edit, etc. ) restricted by Permissions Password may differ from those in MP Navigator EX. Page top Printing Documents Lapa 530 no 948 lapm Advanced Guide > Scanning > Scanning with the Bundled Application Software Printing Documents > Utilizing Images in MP Navigator EX > S502 Printing Documents You can print multiple scanned images at one time, print at specific quality, etc. [. . . ] In this case, check Enable bidirectional support check box on both the print server system and the client system. When you print from a client system, you cannot use Canon IJ Preview. When the functions on the Maintenance tab cannot be set properly from a client system, they may be grayed out. In this case, change the settings from the print server. When you change the settings of the print server, you should delete the icon of the shared printer from the client system, and then specify the shared settings again in the client system. When the Same Printer Driver is Installed in the Print Server System and the Client System as the Local Printer The net crawl function may automatically create a network printer icon on the client system. Restrictions on Printer Sharing Page top Lapa 942 no 948 lapm Downloading Premium Content Lapa 943 no 948 lapm Advanced Guide > Appendix > Downloading Premium Content A006 Downloading Premium Content Access the CREATIVE PARK PREMIUM website from Solution Menu EX to download content printable with Easy-PhotoPrint EX and other applications. Important You may only use the content downloaded or printed for personal purposes. You may not use the content for commercial purposes. 1. [. . . ]


Kompānija “Lastmanuals” piedāvā saviem lietotājiem dažāda veida lietošanas pamācību, ceļvežu, drošības datu lapu, instrukciju datubāzi, kur var šīs pamācības meklēt, saglabāt izvēlētās un pievienot jaunas.
Kompānija “Lastmanuals” neuzņemas atbildību, ja Jūsu meklētais dokuments nav pieejams, nav jūsu valodā, nav pilnīgs vai arī neatbilst aprakstam. Šobrīd mēs vēl nepiedāvājam lietošanas pamācību tulkošanas pakalpojumus.

Šo noteikumu beigās ir podziņa “lejupielādēt lietošanas pamācību”. Ja noteikumiem piekrītat, nospiediet to, un CANON PIXMA MG5140 lietošanas pamācības lejuplādēšana sāksies.

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