Kompānija “Lastmanuals” piedāvā saviem lietotājiem dažāda veida lietošanas pamācību, ceļvežu, drošības datu lapu, instrukciju datubāzi, kur var šīs pamācības meklēt, saglabāt izvēlētās un pievienot jaunas. NEAIZMIRSTIET – PIRMS KO PIRKT, IZLASIET LIETOŠANAS INSTRUKCIJU !!!
Ja šajā dokumentā Jūs atradāt vajadzīgo preces aprakstu, lietošanas pamācības, instrukcijas un shēmas, droši lejupielādējiet to. “Lastmanuals” piedāvā ātru un ērtu pieeju CANON PIXMA MP490 lietošanas pamācībām. Ceram, ka CANON PIXMA MP490 lietošanas pamācība Jums noderēs.
Mēs palīdzēsim Jums lejupielādēt CANON PIXMA MP490 lietošanas pamācību.
Lietošanas pamācības kopsavilkums: lietotāja rokasgrāmata CANON PIXMA MP490
Sīkākas lietošanas instrukcijas ir lietotāja ceļvedī.
[. . . ] Canon MP490 series On-screen Manual
K lietot so rokasgrmatu Ss rokasgrmatas druksana
Lapa 1 no 728 lapm
MC-3845-V1. 00
s rokasgrmata
Apraksta s produkta prskatu.
Izvrst rokasgrmata
Apraksta s produkta detalizto funkciju.
MP490 series s rokasgrmata
Lapa 2 no 728 lapm
K lietot so rokasgrmatu Ss rokasgrmatas druksana
MP-3366-V1. 00 Izvrst rokasgrmata
Prskats par ierci
Galvens sastvdaas
K prvietoties sidro kristlu displeja izvlns
Citi lietojumi
Ierces iestatjumi
Nodergas lietojumprogrammas
Druksana no atmias kartes
Atmias kart saglabto fotoattlu druksana
Dazdu funkciju izmantosana
Papra/oriinlu ievietosana
Papra ievietosana
Oriinlu ievietosana
Atmias kartes ievietosana
Ikdienas apkope Kopsana
Dazdu kopsanas funkciju izmantosana
Kad druka kst blva vai krsas nav pareizas
FINE kasetnes maia
Papra padeves veltnsa trsana
Tdu sablonu k piezmju grmatias paprs druksana
Piezmju grmatias papra druksana
Ierces un attlu izmantosanas juridiskie ierobezojumi
Padomi par ierces trsanu
Ieskento datu saglabsana dator
Druksana no datora
Fotoattlu druksana (Easy-PhotoPrint EX
Dokumentu druksana (Windows) Dokumentu druksana (Macintosh)
Prskats par ierci
Izvrst rokasgrmata
Saturs > Prskats par ierci
Lapa 3 no 728 lapm
Prskats par ierci
Saj sada sniegts apraksts par ierces sastvdau nosaukumiem un pamata darbbm, kas jzina pirms ts izmantosanas.
Galvens sastvdaas
Skats no priekspuses Aizmugurjais skats Iekspuses skats Darbbas panelis
K prvietoties sidro kristlu displeja izvlns
Izvlu atlassana ekrn Top Menu
Lapas skums
Galvens sastvdaas
Izvrst rokasgrmata
Saturs > Prskats par ierci > Galvens sastvdaas
Lapa 4 no 728 lapm
Galvens sastvdaas
Skats no priekspuses Aizmugurjais skats Iekspuses skats Darbbas panelis
Skats no priekspuses
(1) Dokumentu vks
Atveriet, lai uz plansetes stikla novietotu oriinlo dokumentu.
(2) Papra balsts
Paceliet un palieciet atpaka, lai papru ievietotu aizmugurj uztvrj.
(3) Papra vadotnes
Pabdiet, lai izldzintu ar abm papra kaudztes pusm.
(4) Aizmugurjais uztvrjs
Ievietojiet dazda izmra un veida papru, ko var izmantot saj ierc. Iespjams vienlaicgi ievietot divas vai vairkas viena izmra un papra veida lapas un ts automtiski padot pa vienai lapai. Skatiet sadau Parast papra vai fotopapra ievietosana .
(5) LCD (Sidro kristlu displejs)
Parda ziojumus, izvlnes atlasi un darbbas statusu. Pirms druksanas fotoattlus iespjams ar prieksskatt LCD ekrn.
Ja ierci neizmanto aptuveni 5 mintes, LCD izsldzas. [. . . ] Save Dialog Box
Save as PDF file
Save the selected images as PDF files. Click to open the Save as PDF file dialog box and specify the save settings. Save as PDF file Dialog Box
Jump to Main Menu
Jumps to the Main Menu.
The Preferences dialog box opens. In the Preferences dialog box, you can make advanced settings to MP Navigator EX functions. Preferences Dialog Box
Opens this guide.
Edit Tools
(Select All)
Photos/Documents (Platen) Screen (Scan/Import Window)
Selects all images in the Thumbnail window.
(Cancel All)
Lapa 412 no 728 lapm
Cancels all image selections in the Thumbnail window.
(Rotate Left)
Rotates the target image (outlined in orange) 90 degrees counter-clockwise.
(Rotate Right)
Rotates the target image (outlined in orange) 90 degrees clockwise.
Inverts the target image (outlined in orange) horizontally.
Trims the target image (outlined in orange) in the Thumbnail window. Trimming is the act of selecting the area you want to keep in a photo and discarding the rest. Click this button to open the Crop window and specify the trimming frame.
Zoom in
Enlarges the target image (outlined in orange). You can also enlarge the image by doubleclicking it.
(Display Size)
Changes the size of images in the Thumbnail window.
(Sort by)
Sorts the images in the Thumbnail window by category or by date (ascending or descending).
Thumbnail Window
Thumbnail Window
Scanned images are displayed. When you select the checkbox of an image, the image appears in the Selected Images area.
Thumbnails may appear as "?" when there is not enough memory to display the images.
When Images are Sorted by Categories
Close All / Open All
Close All
Hides all images.
Open All
Displays all images.
Click Close All to change to Open All.
Selected Images Area
(Cancel All)
Cancels the selection of all images in the Selected Images area.
Photos/Documents (Platen) Screen (Scan/Import Window)
(Cancel Selection)
Lapa 413 no 728 lapm
Cancels the selection of the target image (outlined in orange) in the Selected Images area.
Selected Images Area
Images selected in the Thumbnail window are displayed.
Related Topic
Scanning Photos and Documents
Page top
Scan Settings Dialog Box (Photos/Documents)
Lapa 414 no 728 lapm
Advanced Guide > Scanning > Scanning with the Bundled Application Software > MP Navigator EX Screens > Scan Settings Dialog Box (Photos/Documents)
Scan Settings Dialog Box (Photos/Documents)
The Scan Settings dialog box opens when you click Specify. . . In the Scan Settings dialog box, you can make advanced scan settings.
Document Type
Select the type of document to be scanned. Scanning photos: Color Photo or Black and White Photo Scanning text documents: Color Document, Black and White Document or Text(OCR) Scanning magazines: Magazine(Color)
To scan correctly, select a document type that matches the document to be scanned.
Document Size
Select the size of the document to be scanned. When you select Custom, a screen in which you can specify the document size appears. Select a Units, then enter the Width and Height and click OK.
When you select Auto Detect, the image may not be scanned at the correct position and size. In that case, change the size to the actual document size (A4, Letter, etc. ) and align a corner of the document with the corner at the arrow (alignment mark) of the Platen. You cannot select Auto Detect (Multiple Documents) or Auto Detect when Document Type is Text(OCR).
Scanning Resolution
Select the resolution at which to scan documents. Resolution
Scan Settings Dialog Box (Photos/Documents)
The following scanning resolutions can be specified when Document Type is Text(OCR). 300 dpi / 400 dpi Descreen Select this checkbox to reduce moire patterns. Printed photos and pictures are displayed as a collection of fine dots. "Moire" is a phenomenon where uneven gradation or a stripe pattern appears when such photos or pictures printed with fine dots are scanned. Descreen is the function for reducing this moire effect.
Lapa 415 no 728 lapm
You cannot select this checkbox when Document Type is Color Photo, Black and White Photo or Text(OCR).
Scanning takes longer than usual when you enable Descreen.
Reduce Show-through
Select this checkbox to sharpen text in a document or reduce show-through in newspapers.
You cannot select this checkbox when Document Type is Color Photo, Black and White Photo or Text(OCR).
Select this checkbox when Document Type is text document and show-through is apparent in the scanned image.
Unsharp Mask
Select this checkbox to emphasize the outline of the subjects and sharpen the image.
You cannot select this checkbox when Document Type is Text(OCR).
Remove gutter shadow
Select this checkbox to correct shadows that appear between pages when scanning open booklets.
You cannot select this checkbox when Document Size is Auto Detect, Auto Detect (Multiple Documents) or Stitch Assist. Align the document correctly with the alignment mark on the Platen.
Use ScanGear's Advanced Mode tab to correct gutter shadows when scanning non-standard size documents or when custom cropping frames are set. For details, see Gutter Shadow Correction in " Image Settings " (ScanGear's Advanced Mode tab).
Correct slanted document
Select this checkbox to detect the scanned text and correct the angle (within -0. 1 to -10 degrees or +0. 1 to +10 degrees) of the document.
You cannot select this checkbox when Document Type is Color Photo or Black and White Photo. [. . . ] Attach a description of the photo in an album, and add a frame to enhance the photo's atmosphere.
Using Easy-PhotoPrint EX
Lapa 723 no 728 lapm
Select Album to add text and frames. You cannot decorate photos with Photo Print.
Create a Calendar Using Your Favorite Photos
Create calendars easily with Easy-PhotoPrint EX. Create your own calendar using your favorite photos!It'll be exciting to turn the calendar pages.
You can use all kinds of photos.
You can also create 2-month, 6-month and 12-month calendars.
Create Stickers
Create stickers easily with Easy-PhotoPrint EX! [. . . ]
Kompānija “Lastmanuals” piedāvā saviem lietotājiem dažāda veida lietošanas pamācību, ceļvežu, drošības datu lapu, instrukciju datubāzi, kur var šīs pamācības meklēt, saglabāt izvēlētās un pievienot jaunas. Kompānija “Lastmanuals” neuzņemas atbildību, ja Jūsu meklētais dokuments nav pieejams, nav jūsu valodā, nav pilnīgs vai arī neatbilst aprakstam. Šobrīd mēs vēl nepiedāvājam lietošanas pamācību tulkošanas pakalpojumus.
Šo noteikumu beigās ir podziņa “lejupielādēt lietošanas pamācību”. Ja noteikumiem piekrītat, nospiediet to, un CANON PIXMA MP490 lietošanas pamācības lejuplādēšana sāksies.