Kompānija “Lastmanuals” piedāvā saviem lietotājiem dažāda veida lietošanas pamācību, ceļvežu, drošības datu lapu, instrukciju datubāzi, kur var šīs pamācības meklēt, saglabāt izvēlētās un pievienot jaunas. NEAIZMIRSTIET – PIRMS KO PIRKT, IZLASIET LIETOŠANAS INSTRUKCIJU !!!
Ja šajā dokumentā Jūs atradāt vajadzīgo preces aprakstu, lietošanas pamācības, instrukcijas un shēmas, droši lejupielādējiet to. “Lastmanuals” piedāvā ātru un ērtu pieeju CANON PIXMA MP620 lietošanas pamācībām. Ceram, ka CANON PIXMA MP620 lietošanas pamācība Jums noderēs.
Mēs palīdzēsim Jums lejupielādēt CANON PIXMA MP620 lietošanas pamācību.
Lietošanas pamācības kopsavilkums: lietotāja rokasgrāmata CANON PIXMA MP620
Sīkākas lietošanas instrukcijas ir lietotāja ceļvedī.
[. . . ] MP620 series On-screen Manual
Lapa 1 no 821 lapm
K izmantot so rokasgrmatu
Ss rokasgrmatas druksana
MC-3145-V1. 00
Apraksta s produkta prskatu.
Detalizt pamcba
Apraksta s produkta detalizto funkciju.
MP620 series s rokasgrmata
Lapa 2 no 821 lapm
K lietot so rokasgrmatu Ss rokasgrmatas druksana
MP-2478-V1. 00
Izvrst rokasgrmata
Prskats par ierci
Galvens sastvdaas K prvietoties sidro kristlu displeja izvlns
Citi lietojumi
Druksana uz lnijpapra vai milimetrpapra
Fotogrfiju izdruksana tiesi no mobil tlrua vai ciparu kameras Ierces iestatjumi
Solution Menu un My Printer
Druksana no atmias kartes
Atmias kart saglabto fotogrfiju druksana
Dazdu funkciju izmantosana
Atmias kartes ievietosana
Papra ievietosana/Oriinli
Papra ievietosana
Dazdu kopsanas funkciju izmantosana
Oriinlu ievietosana kopsanai vai skensanai
Ikdienas apkope
Tintes tvertnes nomaia
Kad druka kst blva vai krsas nav pareizas Papra padeves veltnsa trsana
Fotogrfiju druksana no druktajm fotogrfijm
Izdruktu fotogrfiju prdruksana
Paliktnsa trsana kaset
Dazdu funkciju izmantosana
Pielikums Skensana
Ieskento datu saglabsana
Drosbas nordjumi
Produkta un attlu izmantosanas juridiskie ierobezojumi Padomi par ierces izmantosanu
Druksana no datora
Fotogrfiju druksana (Easy-PhotoPrint EX)
Dokumentu druksana (Windows)
Dokumentu druksana (Macintosh)
Prskats par ierci
Izvrst rokasgrmata
Saturs > Prskats par ierci
Lapa 3 no 821 lapm
Prskats par ierci
Saj sada sniegts apraksts par ierces sastvdau nosaukumiem un pamata darbbm, kas jzina pirms ts izmantosanas.
Galvens sastvdaas
Skats no priekspuses Aizmugurjais skats Iekspuses skats Darbbas panelis
K prvietoties sidro kristlu displeja izvlns
Izvlu atlassana ekrn SKUMS Iestatjuma elementu atlassana Citas darbbas
Uz lapas skumu
Galvens sastvdaas
Izvrst rokasgrmata
Saturs > Prskats par ierci > Galvens sastvdaas
Lapa 4 no 821 lapm
Galvens sastvdaas
Skats no priekspuses
(1) Dokumenta vks
Atveriet, lai uz plansetes stikla novietotu oriinlo dokumentu.
(2) Darbbas panelis
Izmantojiet, lai maintu iekrtas iestatjumus vai to darbintu. Skatiet Darba panelis .
(3) LCD (Sidro kristlu displejs)
Parda ziojumus, izvlu iespjas un darbbas statusu. Pirms druksanas varat ar prieksskatt fotogrfijas sidro kristlu ekrn.
Ja iekrta netiek izmantota apmram 5 mintes, LCD ( sidro kristlu displejs) izslgsies. Lai displeju atjaunotu, nospiediet jebkuru pogu, izemot pogu IESL. , vai veiciet druksanas darbbu.
(4) Papra balsts
Paceliet un palieciet atpaka, lai papru ievietotu aizmugurj uztvrj.
(5) Papra virztji
Pabdiet, lai noldzintu ar abm papra kaudztes pusm.
(6) Aizmugurjais uztvrjs
Ievietojiet dazda izmra un veida papru, ko var izmantot saj ierc. [. . . ] PDF files cannot be printed.
Double-click an image to display it in a different window.
Select the printer to use.
Properties. . .
Display the selected printer's advanced setting screen.
Paper Size
Select the size of paper for printing. Match the size to the size of the paper set in the machine.
Media Type
Select the type of paper for printing. Print quality may be fixed depending on the paper type.
Page Layout
Select a print type.
Normal-size Printing
Print one image per sheet.
Fit-to-Page Printing
Print an image at the paper size (enlarged or reduced).
Borderless Printing
Select this checkbox to print the image on an entire sheet of paper without margins.
Page Layout setting will be disabled when you select Borderless Printing. This setting is only available with printers that support borderless printing.
Print Photo Dialog Box
Specify the print orientation.
Lapa 459 no 821 lapm
This setting is available only when Page Layout is Normal-size Printing. For others, the image is automatically rotated according to the aspect ratio of the paper.
Specify the number of copies to print.
Vivid Photo
Select this checkbox to print the image in vivid colors.
Preview before printing
Select this checkbox to display the print result before printing.
Start printing.
Only the images in the Thumbnail window with the checkbox selected are printed.
Closes the dialog box without printing the photo.
Page top
Send via E-mail Dialog Box
Lapa 460 no 821 lapm
Advanced Guide > Scanning > Scanning with the Bundled Application Software > MP Navigator EX Screens > Send via
E-mail Dialog Box
Send via E-mail Dialog Box
Click Send in the View & Use window, then click Attach to E-mail on the list to open the Send via E-mail dialog box.
In the Send via E-mail dialog box, you can make advanced settings for attaching images to e-mail.
MP Navigator EX is compatible with the following e-mail software programs: - Windows Mail (Windows Vista) - Outlook Express (Windows XP/Windows 2000) - Microsoft Outlook - EUDORA - Netscape Mail (If an e-mail software program does not operate properly, check that the program's MAPI is enabled. To enable MAPI, refer to the manual of the e-mail software program. )
Mail Program
The e-mail software program set up via Preferences in the Navigation Mode screen is displayed. Select the e-mail software program you want to use.
Adjust attachment file size
When Save as type is JPEG, selecting this checkbox allows you to resize the images. Select a size from Size.
Save in
Displays the folder in which to save the images. If resized, the resized images are saved. The following folders are specified by default. Windows Vista: MP Navigator EX folder in Picture folder Windows XP: MP Navigator EX folder in My Pictures folder Windows 2000: MP Navigator EX folder in My Pictures folder
File name
Enter the file name of the image to be attached (up to 32 characters). When saving multiple files, 4 digits are appended to each file name.
Set. . .
You can specify a compression type for JPEG files. Select High(Low Compression), Standard or Low(High Compression).
Page top
Correct/Enhance Images Window
Lapa 461 no 821 lapm
Advanced Guide > Scanning > Scanning with the Bundled Application Software > MP Navigator EX Screens > Correct/ Enhance Images Window
Correct/Enhance Images Window
(Image Correction/Enhancement) in the View & Use window or click Fix photo images in the Click Task Button area to open the Correct/Enhance Images window. In the Correct/Enhance Images window, you can make advanced settings including image correction/ enhancement and brightness/contrast adjustment.
You can also display the source image and corrected image side by side for comparison.
Image correction/enhancement cannot be applied to PDF files or black and white binary files.
The Correct/Enhance Images window can also be opened by clicking Enhancement) on the Toolbar or in the Zoom in dialog box. It may take a while to correct large images.
(Image Correction/
(1) Task Area
(2) Toolbar
Task Area
Available tasks and settings vary between the Auto and Manual tabs. Click Auto or Manual to open the corresponding tab.
Auto Tab
Use the functions in the Auto tab to apply corrections and enhancements to the entire image.
See "Correcting/Enhancing Images Automatically " for details.
Correct/Enhance Images Window
Lapa 462 no 821 lapm
Auto Photo Fix
Applies automatic corrections suitable for photos.
Face Sharpener
Sharpens out-of-focus faces. You can adjust the effect level using the slider.
Digital Face Smoothing
Enhances skin beautifully by removing blemishes and wrinkles. You can adjust the effect level using the slider.
Apply to all images
Applies the correction to all images.
Applies the selected effect to the selected image or all images.
Reset Selected Image
Cancels all corrections and enhancements applied to the selected image.
Save Selected Image
Saves the selected image.
Save All Corrected Images
Saves all the corrected images displayed in the thumbnail list.
Close the Correct/Enhance Images window.
Manual Tab
Use Adjust to adjust brightness and contrast, or to sharpen the entire image. Use Correct/Enhance to correct/enhance specific areas.
See "Correcting/Enhancing Images Manually " for details.
Correct/Enhance Images Window
Lapa 463 no 821 lapm
Adjusts the overall image brightness. Move the slider to the left to darken and right to brighten the image.
Adjusts the contrast of the image. Adjust the contrast when the image is flat due to lack of contrast. Move the slider to the left to decrease and right to increase the contrast of the image.
Emphasizes the outline of the subjects to sharpen the image. [. . . ] Piemrs: 192. 168. 0. 1
IPv4/IPv6 iestatjums (IPv4/IPv6 setting)
Tie ir internet lietotie tkla slu protokoli. IPv4 lieto 32-bitu adreses, savukrt IPv6 lieto 128bitu adreses.
Atslgas formts (Key Format)
Atlasiet ASCII vai Hex k WEP atslgas formtu. WEP atslgai lietojams rakstzmes ir atsirgas atkarb no atlastajiem atslgu formtiem.
ASCII Nordiet ar 5 vai 13 rakstzmju virkni, kur var tikt iekautas burtciparu un pasvtrojuma "_" rakstzmes. Hex Nordiet 10 ciparu vai 26 ciparu virkni, kas var saturt heksadecimus (0 ldz 9, A ldz F un a ldz f).
Par tehniskajiem terminiem
Atslgas ID (Key ID)
Lapa 819 no 821 lapm
Ja piekuves punktam ir iestattas vairkas atslgas, atlasiet atslgas numuru (indeksu), kas ir lietots prraidei no piekuves punkta no 1 ldz 4.
Atslgas garums (Key Length)
WEP atslgas garums. [. . . ]
Kompānija “Lastmanuals” piedāvā saviem lietotājiem dažāda veida lietošanas pamācību, ceļvežu, drošības datu lapu, instrukciju datubāzi, kur var šīs pamācības meklēt, saglabāt izvēlētās un pievienot jaunas. Kompānija “Lastmanuals” neuzņemas atbildību, ja Jūsu meklētais dokuments nav pieejams, nav jūsu valodā, nav pilnīgs vai arī neatbilst aprakstam. Šobrīd mēs vēl nepiedāvājam lietošanas pamācību tulkošanas pakalpojumus.
Šo noteikumu beigās ir podziņa “lejupielādēt lietošanas pamācību”. Ja noteikumiem piekrītat, nospiediet to, un CANON PIXMA MP620 lietošanas pamācības lejuplādēšana sāksies.