Lietošanas pamācība EPSON ACULASER M2000DN SETUP GUIDE

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Lietošanas pamācības kopsavilkums: lietotāja rokasgrāmata EPSON ACULASER M2000DNSETUP GUIDE

Sīkākas lietošanas instrukcijas ir lietotāja ceļvedī.

[. . . ] Lai atkal ieslgtu displeju, nospiediet jebkuru pogu, izemot Iesl. (ON) , vai veiciet druksanu. (6) Darbbas panelis Galvens sastvdaas Izmantojiet, lai maintu ierces iestatjumus vai to darbintu. Lapa 5 no 885 lapm Skatiet sadau Darbbas panelis. (7) Kartes slota vks Atveriet, lai ievietotu atmias karti. Skatiet sadau Atmias kartes ievietosana . (8) Tiess drukas ports Lai veiktu tieso druksanu, pievienojiet ar PictBridge sadergu ierci, piemram, ciparu kameru vai papildu Bluetooth ierci BU-30*. Skatiet sadau Fotoattlu druksana tiesi no ciparu kameras vai mobil tlrua . [. . . ] If this checkbox is not selected, the last used screen appears. Preferences View Use Images on your Computer Tab The Preferences dialog box opens. In the Preferences dialog box, you can make advanced settings to MP Navigator EX functions. Preferences Dialog Box (Guide) Lapa 504 no 885 lapm Opens this guide. Related Topic Opening Images Saved on a Computer Page top Custom Scan with One-click Tab Lapa 505 no 885 lapm Advanced Guide > Scanning > Scanning with the Bundled Application Software > MP Navigator EX Screens > Custom Scan with One-click Tab Custom Scan with One-click Tab Point to One-click in the Navigation Mode screen to display the Custom Scan with One-click tab. You can complete from scanning to saving, etc. at one time by simply clicking the corresponding icon. Auto Scan Scan documents by automatically detecting the document type. You can apply Auto Photo Fix as required. When you click this icon, the Auto Scan dialog box opens and you can specify the save settings. Auto Scan Dialog Box Save to PC Scan documents or photos and save them to a computer. The document type can be detected automatically. When you click this icon, the Save dialog box opens and you can specify the scan/save settings. Save Dialog Box (One-click Mode Screen) Save as PDF file Scan documents and save them as PDF files. Clear Delete all images in the Thumbnail window. Note Images not saved on a computer will be deleted. To keep important images, use Save or other methods to save them to a computer before clicking Clear. Click to open the Save dialog box and specify the save settings. Save Dialog Box Save as PDF file Save the selected images as PDF files. Click to open the Save as PDF file dialog box and specify the save settings. Save as PDF file Dialog Box Jump to Main Menu Jumps to the Main Menu. Toolbar Preferences The Preferences dialog box opens. In the Preferences dialog box, you can make advanced settings to MP Navigator EX functions. Preferences Dialog Box (Guide) Opens this guide. Edit Tools (Select All) Photos/Documents (Platen) Screen (Scan/Import Window) Selects all images in the Thumbnail window. (Cancel All) Lapa 509 no 885 lapm Cancels all image selections in the Thumbnail window. (Rotate Left) Rotates the target image (outlined in orange) 90 degrees counter-clockwise. (Rotate Right) Rotates the target image (outlined in orange) 90 degrees clockwise. (Invert) Inverts the target image (outlined in orange) horizontally. (Trimming) Trims the target image (outlined in orange) in the Thumbnail window. Trimming is the act of selecting the area you want to keep in a photo and discarding the rest. Click this button to open the Crop window and specify the trimming frame. Zoom in Enlarges the target image (outlined in orange). You can also enlarge the image by doubleclicking it. (Display Size) Changes the size of images in the Thumbnail window. (Sort by) Sorts the images in the Thumbnail window by category or by date (ascending or descending). Thumbnail Window Thumbnail Window Scanned images are displayed. [. . . ] When you change the settings of the print server, you should delete the icon of the shared printer from the client system, and then specify the shared settings again in the client system. When the Same Printer Driver is Installed in the Print Server System and the Client System as the Local Printer The net crawl function may automatically create a network printer icon on the client system. Page top Using Easy-PhotoPrint EX Lapa 879 no 885 lapm Advanced Guide > Using Easy-PhotoPrint EX Using Easy-PhotoPrint EX --- Transforming Your Photos into Creative Works of Art --Easy-PhotoPrint EX allows you to create albums, calendars and stickers easily using photos taken with digital cameras. You can also print borderless photos easily. Start Easy-PhotoPrint EX Click Here: Easy-PhotoPrint EX Note See the section below for details on how to use Easy-PhotoPrint EX. Printing with the Bundled Application Software Create a Personalized Photo Album Creating a personalized photo album is an easy task if you use Easy-PhotoPrint EX!All you need to do is select which photos to use, select a layout, then load paper into your printer and print. After you bind the printed sheets, you'll have the one and only album of your memories! You can change the layout and background, and attach comments to photos. You can also select the size and orientation. CHECK! You can arrange a photo across the left and right pages. Select a theme (background design) to create a single-themed album. Decorate Items with Text and Frames You can add text and frames to photos. [. . . ]


Kompānija “Lastmanuals” piedāvā saviem lietotājiem dažāda veida lietošanas pamācību, ceļvežu, drošības datu lapu, instrukciju datubāzi, kur var šīs pamācības meklēt, saglabāt izvēlētās un pievienot jaunas.
Kompānija “Lastmanuals” neuzņemas atbildību, ja Jūsu meklētais dokuments nav pieejams, nav jūsu valodā, nav pilnīgs vai arī neatbilst aprakstam. Šobrīd mēs vēl nepiedāvājam lietošanas pamācību tulkošanas pakalpojumus.

Šo noteikumu beigās ir podziņa “lejupielādēt lietošanas pamācību”. Ja noteikumiem piekrītat, nospiediet to, un EPSON ACULASER M2000DN lietošanas pamācības lejuplādēšana sāksies.

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