Lietošanas pamācība EPSON STYLUS SX105

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Mode d'emploi EPSON STYLUS SX105

Šeit Jūs varat lejupielādēt radniecīgu preču lietošanas pamācības:

   EPSON STYLUS SX105 (863 ko)
   EPSON STYLUS SX105 annexe 1 (4383 ko)

Lietošanas pamācības kopsavilkums: lietotāja rokasgrāmata EPSON STYLUS SX105

Sīkākas lietošanas instrukcijas ir lietotāja ceļvedī.

[. . . ] Vienlaicgi var ievietot divas vai vairkas viena lieluma un papra tipa lapas un automtiski vienlaicgi padot vienu lapu. Skatiet Papra ievietosana. (7) Kartes slota vks Atveriet, lai ievietotu atmias karti. Skatiet Atmias kartes ievietosana . (8) Tiess drukas ports Galvens sastvdaas Veicot tieso druksanu, pievienojiet ar PictBridge sadergu ierci, piemram, digitlo kameru vai papildu Bluetooth ierci BU ­ 30*. Skatiet Fotogrfiju druksana tiesi no jsu mobil telefona vai digitls kameras . Lapa 5 no 821 lapm Js varat ar ievietot USB zibatmias dzini saj port, lai taj saglabtu ieskentos datus. Skatiet Ieskento datu saglabsana . * Bluetooth vienba nav pieejama dazs valsts vai reionos, atkarb no vietjiem likumiem un noteikumiem. Lai iegtu skku informciju, sazinieties ar savu vietjo Canon servisa prstvi. Brdinjums Pie ierces tiess drukas porta drkst pievienot tikai ar PictBridge sadergas ierces, papildu Bluetooth vienbu BU-30 vai USB zibatmias diskus. Pretj gadjum tas var izraist aizdegsanos, strvas triecienu vai ierces bojjumu. Uzmanbu Neaizskariet metla korpusu. (9) Papra izvades uztvrjs Skot druksanu vai kopsanu, tas automtiski atveras, un tiek izstumti izdruktie papri. (10) Izvades uztvrja pagarinjums Atveriet, lai atbalsttu izdrukas. Atveriet drukjot vai kopjot. (11) Plansetes stikls Ievietojiet dokumenta oriinlu, ko vlaties kopt vai skent. (12) Kasete Ievietojiet A4, B5, A5, vai Letter formta parasto papru un pc tam ievietojiet to ierc. [. . . ] Only the selected page is saved. Note When multiple pages are selected, a multiple-page PDF file is created. See "Save as PDF file Dialog Box " for details on the Save as PDF file dialog box. Save All Pages Opens the Save as PDF file dialog box. All PDF files in the list will be saved as one PDF file. Finish Closes the Create/Edit PDF file window. Toolbar (Rotate Left) Rotates the file 90 degrees counter-clockwise. (Rotate Right) Rotates the file 90 degrees clockwise. (Preview Mode) Switches to Preview Mode. The selected file appears in Preview. (Enlarge) Enlarges the image displayed in Preview. (Reduce) Reduces the image displayed in Preview. (Full-screen) Enlarges/reduces the image to display it fully in Preview. (Thumbnail Mode) Switches to Thumbnail Mode. Thumbnails of files are displayed. Page top Print Document Dialog Box Lapa 456 no 821 lapm Advanced Guide > Scanning > Scanning with the Bundled Application Software > MP Navigator EX Screens > Print Document Dialog Box Print Document Dialog Box Click Print in the View & Use window, then click Print Document on the list to open the Print Document dialog box. In the Print Document dialog box, you can make advanced settings for printing multiple scanned images at one time. Note The setting items in the Print Document dialog box vary by printer. Printer Select the printer to use. Paper Source Select paper source. Page Layout Select a print type. Normal-size Printing Print one image per sheet. Scaled Printing Print images at the selected scale (enlarged or reduced). Fit-to-Page Printing Print an image at the paper size (enlarged or reduced). Borderless Printing Print the image on an entire sheet of paper without margins. Page Layout Printing (2 on 1) Layout and print two images on a sheet of paper. Page Layout Printing (4 on 1) Layout and print four images on a sheet of paper. Enlarge/Reduce Enlarge or reduce images to print. Print a reduced or enlarged image by specifying a scale in increments of 1%. 100% Normal-size Print the image in normal size. Print Document Dialog Box Scale Lapa 457 no 821 lapm Select a scale from the list. Auto Scale is adjusted automatically according to the detected paper width and the selected paper size. Image may be printed rotated 90 degrees depending on its size. Important At 100% Normal-size, some images may be printed small or with some portions cropped. In that case, select Auto to resize the print in proportion to the paper size. Paper Size Select the size of paper for printing. Match the size to the size of the paper set in the machine. Note Selectable paper sizes depend on the selected printer. Media Type Select the type of paper for printing. Print quality may be fixed depending on the paper type. Note Selectable paper types depend on the selected printer. Print Quality Select the print quality. Density to select the print density. Click Density cannot be changed for images scanned with Document Type set to Text(OCR). Copies Click Grayscale Printing to select the number of copies to be printed. Select this checkbox to print the document in black and white. Preview before printing Select this checkbox to display the print result before printing. Defaults Restore the default settings. Print Start printing with the specified settings. Note To cancel while spooling, click Cancel. To cancel while printing, select the printer icon on the taskbar and click Cancel Printing. Page top Print Photo Dialog Box Lapa 458 no 821 lapm Advanced Guide > Scanning > Scanning with the Bundled Application Software > MP Navigator EX Screens > Print Photo Dialog Box Print Photo Dialog Box Click Print in the View & Use window, then click Print Photo on the list to open the Print Photo dialog box. Important The Print Photo dialog box will not open if Easy-PhotoPrint EX is installed. Adjust the sharpness when the photo is out of focus or text is blurred. Move the slider to the right to sharpen the image. Blur Blurs the outline of the subjects to soften the image. Move the slider to the right to soften the image. Show-through Removal Removes show-through of text from the reverse side or removes the base color. Adjust the showthrough level to prevent text on the reverse side of thin document or the base color of the document from appearing on the image. Move the slider to the right to increase the show-through removal effect. Defaults Resets all adjustments (brightness, contrast, sharpness, blur, and show-through removal). Reset Selected Image Cancels all corrections, enhancements and adjustments applied to the selected image. Save Selected Image Saves the selected image. Save All Corrected Images Saves all the corrected images displayed in the thumbnail list. Exit Close the Correct/Enhance Images window. Correction/Enhancement Correct/Enhance Images Window Lapa 464 no 821 lapm Face Brightener Corrects the entire image so that the selected facial area is brightened. You can adjust the effect level using the slider. Undo Cancels the latest correction. Face Sharpener Corrects the entire image to sharpen the face. You can specify the area you want to apply the effect to. You can adjust the effect level using the slider. Digital Face Smoothing Enhances skin beautifully by removing blemishes and wrinkles. You can specify the area you want to apply the effect to. You can adjust the effect level using the slider. Blemish Remover Removes moles. You can specify the area you want to apply the effect to. [. . . ] Vrteja retransl datus starp terminiem un prraida retransltos datus uz mra terminli. DHCP servera funkcionalitte Marsruttjs vai piekuves punkts automtiski piesir IP adresi visos gadjumos, kad tkl sk darboties personlais dators vai printeris. F Ugunsmris (Firewall) T ir sistma, kas novrs datoru nelikumgu pieslgsanos tklam. Js varat izmantot platjoslas marsruttja ugunsmra funkciju vai ar dator uzstdto drosbas programmatru. I IEEE 802. 11b Bezvadu LAN starptautiskais standarts, lietojot 2. 4 GHz frekvencu diapazonu ar caurlaidspju ldz pat 11 Mbps. IEEE 802. 11g Bezvadu LAN starptautiskais standarts, lietojot 2. 4 GHz frekvencu diapazonu ar caurlaidspju ldz pat 54 Mbps. Sadergs ar 802. 11b. Infrafrastruktra Klienta datora un ierces iestatjumi, kur visi bezvadu sakari iet caur piekuves punktu. IP adrese Unikls numurs, kas satv no cetrm dam, savstarpji atdaltm ar punktiem. Jebkurai internetam pieslgtai tkla iercei ir IP adrese. [. . . ]


Kompānija “Lastmanuals” piedāvā saviem lietotājiem dažāda veida lietošanas pamācību, ceļvežu, drošības datu lapu, instrukciju datubāzi, kur var šīs pamācības meklēt, saglabāt izvēlētās un pievienot jaunas.
Kompānija “Lastmanuals” neuzņemas atbildību, ja Jūsu meklētais dokuments nav pieejams, nav jūsu valodā, nav pilnīgs vai arī neatbilst aprakstam. Šobrīd mēs vēl nepiedāvājam lietošanas pamācību tulkošanas pakalpojumus.

Šo noteikumu beigās ir podziņa “lejupielādēt lietošanas pamācību”. Ja noteikumiem piekrītat, nospiediet to, un EPSON STYLUS SX105 lietošanas pamācības lejuplādēšana sāksies.

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