Lietošanas pamācība EPSON STYLUS TX109

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Mode d'emploi EPSON STYLUS TX109

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   EPSON STYLUS TX109 (863 ko)
   EPSON STYLUS TX109 annexe 1 (4383 ko)

Lietošanas pamācības kopsavilkums: lietotāja rokasgrāmata EPSON STYLUS TX109

Sīkākas lietošanas instrukcijas ir lietotāja ceļvedī.

[. . . ] Vienlaicgi var ievietot divas vai vairkas viena lieluma un papra tipa lapas un automtiski vienlaicgi padot vienu lapu. Skatiet Papra ievietosana. (7) Kartes slota vks Atveriet, lai ievietotu atmias karti. Skatiet Atmias kartes ievietosana . (8) Infrasarkanais ports Izmantojiet so portu, lai druktu no mobil tlrua ar bezvadu infrasarkano saziu. Galvens sastvdaas Skatiet Fotogrfiju druksana no bezvadu komunikcijas ierces . Lapa 5 no 810 lapm (9) Tiess drukas ports Veicot tieso druksanu, pievienojiet ar PictBridge sadergu ierci, piemram, ciparu kameru vai papildus Bluetooth vienbu BU ­ 30*. Skatiet Fotogrfiju izdruksana tiesi no jsu ciparu kameras vai mobil telefona" . Js varat ar ievietot USB zibatmias disku saj port, lai taj saglabtu ieskentos datus. Skatiet Ieskento datu saglabsana . * Bluetooth vienba nav pieejama dazs valsts vai reionos, atkarb no vietjiem likumiem un noteikumiem. Plaskajai informcijai sazinieties ar Jsu vietjo Canon servisa prstvi. Brdinjums Pie ierces tiess drukas porta drkst pievienot tikai ar PictBridge sadergas ierces, papildu Bluetooth vienbu BU-30 vai USB zibatmias diskus. Pretj gadjum tas var izraist aizdegsanos, strvas triecienu vai ierces bojjumu. Uzmanbu Neaizskariet metla korpusu. (10) Papra izvades uztvrjs Skot druksanu vai kopsanu, automtiski atveras, un tiek izstumti nodruktie papri. (11) Izvades uztvrja pagarinjums Atveriet, lai atbalsttu izdrukas. Atveriet drukjot vai kopjot. (12) Plansetes stikls Ievietojiet dokumenta oriinlu, ko vlaties kopt vai skent. (13) Kasete Ievietojiet A4, B5, A5, vai Letter lieluma parasto papru un pc tam to ievietojiet ierc. [. . . ] View & Use Window Photos/Documents (Platen) Click this when you want to scan photos, documents, magazines and other printed materials. The screen for scanning photos and documents appears. Photos/Documents (Platen) Screen (Scan/Import Window) Memory Card Displays folders of images and PDF files (grouped by year, year/month and year/month/date) on a memory card in tree view. Select a folder to display its contents in the Thumbnail window to the right. File date is the captured or updated date. Import Import the selected images and open them in the View & Use window. View & Use Window Jump to Main Menu Jump to the Main Menu. Toolbar Memory Card Screen (Scan/Import Window) Preferences Lapa 453 no 810 lapm The Preferences dialog box opens. In the Preferences dialog box, you can make advanced settings to MP Navigator EX functions. Preferences Dialog Box (Guide) Open this guide. Edit Tools (Select All) Selects all images in the Thumbnail window. (Cancel All) Cancels all image selections in the Thumbnail window. Zoom in Enlarges the target image (outlined in orange). You can also enlarge the image by doubleclicking it. You can check all pages when you select a PDF file. (Refresh) Refreshes the Thumbnail window contents. (Display Size) Changes the size of images in the Thumbnail window. (Sort by) Sorts the images in the Thumbnail window by date (ascending or descending). Thumbnail Window Thumbnail Window Images saved on the memory card are displayed by year or year/month. When you select the checkbox of an image, the image appears in the Selected Images area. Selected Images Area (Cancel All) Cancels the selection of all images in the Selected Images area. (Cancel Selection) Cancels the selection of the target image (outlined in orange) in the Selected Images area. Selected Images Area Images selected in the Thumbnail window are displayed. Related Topic Importing Images Saved on a Memory Card Page top View Use Window Lapa 454 no 810 lapm Advanced Guide > Scanning > Scanning with the Bundled Application Software > MP Navigator EX Screens > View & Use Window View & Use Window In the Navigation Mode screen, point to View & Use and click My Box (Scanned/Imported Images), Specify Folder or Recently Saved Images. Open this window to display or use scanned images or images saved on a computer. Important For PDF files, only those created with MP Navigator EX are displayed. Images may appear as "?" in the following cases. - Opening unsupported images - File size is too large and there is not enough memory to display the image - The file is corrupted Internet Explorer 5. 5 Service Pack 2 or later is required to open password-protected PDF files. When Images are Sorted by Categories Images scanned from the Platen are displayed by category. Note Some images may not be detected correctly and thus may be classified into wrong categories. In that case, drag and drop an image and move it from one category to another. Category name Images: N (Selected: n) Category name The following categories are provided. View Use Window Photos: Portrait, Others Documents: Business Card, Hagaki, Standard Size, PDF File, Others Custom categories: Displays your custom categories. Unclassified: Displays images that have not yet been classified. Image: N Lapa 457 no 810 lapm The number of images classified into the category is displayed. (Selected: n) The number of images with the checkbox selected is displayed. Note This portion is displayed only when one or more images are selected. Open All Displays all images. Close All Hides all images. Edit Custom Categories When My Box (Scanned/Imported Images) or Specify Folder is displayed, open the Edit Custom Categories dialog box. In the Edit Custom Categories dialog box, you can add/delete categories displayed in Custom Categories. See "Classifying Images into Categories " for details. Classify Images Images imported from hard disks or memory cards appear in Unclassified. Click Classify Images to classify them automatically. This button is displayed only when My Box (Scanned/Imported Images) or Specify Folder is displayed. Note Classification may take time if there are many images to classify. Selected Images Area (Cancel All) Cancels the selection of all images in the Selected Images area. (Cancel Selection) Cancels the selection of the target image (outlined in orange) in the Selected Images area. Selected Images Area Images selected in the Thumbnail window are displayed. Related Topic Opening Images Saved on a Computer Page top Create/Edit PDF file Window Lapa 458 no 810 lapm Advanced Guide > Scanning > Scanning with the Bundled Application Software > MP Navigator EX Screens > Create/ Edit PDF file Window Create/Edit PDF file Window Click PDF in the View & Use window, then click Create/Edit PDF file on the list to open the Create/Edit PDF file window. In the Create/Edit PDF file window, you can add/delete pages and rearrange the page order of PDF files created with MP Navigator EX. Important You cannot save images scanned at 10501 pixels or more in the vertical and horizontal directions. If a password-protected PDF file is edited, the passwords will be deleted. Setting Passwords for PDF Files Rearrange Pages You can move the selected image (outlined in orange). Moves the selected image to the top. Moves the selected image up one page. Moves the selected image down one page. Moves the selected image to the end. Note You can also drag and drop the image to rearrange the order. Delete Selected Pages Deletes the selected image. Add Page Allows you to select and add an existing PDF file. Note A password will be required to add a password-protected PDF file. Undo Create/Edit PDF file Window Cancels the latest change made. Reset Lapa 459 no 810 lapm Cancels all the changes made. Save Selected Pages Opens the Save as PDF file dialog box. Only the selected page is saved. Note When multiple pages are selected, a multiple-page PDF file is created. [. . . ] Uncheck Show informational notifications for network printers on the Advanced tab, and then restart the computer. In Windows XP or Windows 2000: Open Server Properties from the File menu of the Printer and Faxes window (Windows XP) or the Printers window (Windows 2000) on the print server system. Uncheck Notify when remote documents are printed on the Advanced tab, and then restart the computer. The bi-directional communication function is disabled so that the correct printer status may not be recognized. If a client user opens the printer driver properties and then clicks OK with the Enable bidirectional support check box on the Ports tab unchecked, the bi-directional function of the printer server system may also be disabled. In this case, check Enable bidirectional support check box on both the print server system and the client system. When you print from a client system, you cannot use Canon IJ Preview. [. . . ]


Kompānija “Lastmanuals” piedāvā saviem lietotājiem dažāda veida lietošanas pamācību, ceļvežu, drošības datu lapu, instrukciju datubāzi, kur var šīs pamācības meklēt, saglabāt izvēlētās un pievienot jaunas.
Kompānija “Lastmanuals” neuzņemas atbildību, ja Jūsu meklētais dokuments nav pieejams, nav jūsu valodā, nav pilnīgs vai arī neatbilst aprakstam. Šobrīd mēs vēl nepiedāvājam lietošanas pamācību tulkošanas pakalpojumus.

Šo noteikumu beigās ir podziņa “lejupielādēt lietošanas pamācību”. Ja noteikumiem piekrītat, nospiediet to, un EPSON STYLUS TX109 lietošanas pamācības lejuplādēšana sāksies.

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